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Freshwater crayfish are key members of aquatic communities due to their large size and abundance. Although most commonly regarded as herbivores and detritivores, they are also selective predators. The crayfish plague fungus Aphanomyces astaci (Schikora) led to the elimination of a stock of white-clawed crayfish, Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet) from Lough Lene, Co. Westmeath, in 1987. Samples taken of the flora and benthic communities of two Irish lakes, one (Lough Bane) formerly containing crayfish and the other (Lough Lene) immediately following a plague outbreak, were compared to similar samples taken a year later and ecological shifts were noted and compared to laboratory feeding results. Over time, Chara strands increased in mean length, and molluscs became more abundant.  相似文献   
These experiments examined the changes in ventilation during a 40-s ramp increase in exercise load, produced by increasing either the speed of the treadmill or the grade, to equivalent end-points of oxygen uptake. Six subjects underwent five trials each for grade and speed, while ventilation was monitored breath-by-breath. For each subject, ventilation versus time for all five of the speed trials was plotted on a single graph and fitted by linear regression. The data for the grade trials were similarly treated. For all subjects, the slope of the regression line for the speed plots was found to be significantly (P < 0.05) greater than that for the grade plots. We concluded that these experimental results support the hypothesis that the neural drive to ventilation persists as exercise continues and is proportionately related to the frequency of limb movement.  相似文献   
中国梧桐属(Firmiana)在世界梧桐属中占比较大,且除梧桐外其余种均为中国特有且分布范围狭窄的植物种,灭绝风险大,研究气候变化对中国梧桐属树种的影响对于维护生物多样性具有重要的意义。结合多时期第六次国际气候耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)气候变量数据和中国八种梧桐属树种的分布数据,基于R语言kuenm程序包优化的最大熵(Maxent)模型模拟分析中国八种梧桐属树种在多尺度下的潜在适生区,得出梧桐属最适宜的模拟尺度、潜在适生区的面积变化和迁移方向、梧桐属多样性保护关键区域及保护空缺。结果表明:(1)梧桐属最适宜的模拟尺度为亚洲;(2) Maxent模型的接收者操作特征曲线下面积(AUC)值均大于0.9,表明模型对梧桐属潜在适生区预测结果具有较高准确度;(3)气候变化影响下除云南梧桐(Firmiana major)外其它树种的潜在适生区都将在未来有所扩大;(4)中国八种梧桐属树种潜在适生区迁移方向主要为东西向,南北向大跨度迁移较少,纬度变化不大;(5)丹霞梧桐(Firmiana danxiaensis)的稳定潜在适生区最小;(6)中国梧桐属多样性保护关键区域主要分布于广西壮族自治区及云南、广东、海南等省区;(7)中国梧桐属多样性保护空缺区域主要分布于广西壮族自治区中部及海南省北部;(8)梧桐属多样性保护关键区域正在为人造地表所侵蚀。研究分析气候变化对中国八种梧桐属树种的影响及其潜在适生区变化、中国梧桐属多样性保护状态,可为中国梧桐属建立多样性保护廊道提供相关建议,为制定多样性保护规划及相应措施提供参考。  相似文献   
Frequent independent origins of environmental sex determination (ESD) are assumed within amniotes. However, the phylogenetic distribution of sex-determining modes suggests that ESD is likely very ancient and may be homologous across ESD groups. Sex chromosomes are demonstrated to be old and stable in endothermic (mammals and birds) and many ectothermic (non-avian reptiles) lineages, but they are mostly non-homologous between individual amniote lineages. The phylogenetic pattern may be explained by ancestral ESD with multiple transitions to later evolutionary stable genotypic sex determination. It is pointed out here that amniote ESD shares several key aspects with sequential hermaphroditism of fishes such as a lack of sex differences in genomes, biased population sex ratios, and potentially also molecular mechanism related to general stress responses. Here, it is speculated that ESD evolves via a heterochronic shift of the sensitive period of sex change from the adult to the embryonic stage in a hermaphroditic amniote ancestor. Also see the video abstract here https://youtu.be/q2mjtlCefu4 .  相似文献   
采用TUNEL染色及免疫组织化学技术对光化学法脑缺血后细胞凋亡及其相关基因bcl-2表达的变化进行了研究。结果发现,缺血后12h,损伤侧皮层缺血区内凋亡细胞数及bcl-2免疫反应阳性细胞数明显增加,一直持续至缺血后72h;并呈现下列时程变化:在缺血后3h每张切片上几乎无凋亡细胞出现,以后逐渐增加,缺血后12h达到峰值,缺血后24h和缺血后72h逐渐减少,但仍高于假手术组水平。凋亡相关基因bcl-2的表达在缺血后3h以前不明显,缺血后12h逐渐增加,缺血后24h最多,以后逐渐下降。上述结果提示,缺血后凋亡细胞的时程变化可能与缺血后梗塞灶的发生和发展有关,而bcl-2表达的变化可能与抑制细胞凋亡、发挥内源性细胞保护作用有关。  相似文献   
The need to integratein situ conservation into the planning process is outlined, and the importance of vegetation survey to determine conservation priorities and to identify areas suitable forin situ conservation is stressed. A case is presented, drawing on experience gained in Zimbabwe, of how a botanical institute can become an integral part of biological conservation. The institute should consist of a herbarium, a botanical garden, a gene bank and a vegetation survey unit. The function of each section, how they interlink, and how they can be integrated are discussed.  相似文献   
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